Wednesday, June 21, 2006

VLC with remote

OK all will probably not hear much about the intel mac...b/c it's basically the same...but better.

Outline of new, good things:

Flat, spaced keyboard
Sexy screen
Remote (love the remote)
Black in color, small in size

So...basically....the remote can run:


Frontrow is a fancy GUI that display ipod-style big-texted menus over your entire screen that navigates iTunes, iPhoto, DVD player, and Quicktime-capable movies in your movies folder or iTunes. The big text is nice for distance-remoting.

Now..I wanted to watch anime with the remote...but MPlayer wasn't responding. So I thought VLC, b/c maybe they came out with an intel-happy port. And they did. But...apparently remote suppot doesn't exist. BUT! Someone wrote this hot little app that lets VLC recognize the remote....and it worked like a charm. I'm not a VLC person (shut up, kevin), and my apple remote days will continue to be successful.

Happy Tek-ing ^_^

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sticky Migration

I figured out how to totally copy your sticky database, without exporting or anything...

Go to user>library, and there should be a file called "Sticky Database", just copy that into your /library folder on the new comp and there they are, right whre you left nice ^_^

Meanwhile...I think I've gotten my color profiles al worked out after suffering from a strange, brown OSX....ew....

Monday, June 19, 2006


Hey y'all.....FILLY GOT THE Mac Mage!! The DARTHBOOK!! YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Migration was successful.....still getting used to playing with the display....and come color issues that I'm sure will resolve themselves....

and the iSight is amazing........Photobucket is the most fun I've ever had...

and the remote...*gasm*....I carry it everywhere..................

oh god I love this thing............

Friday, June 09, 2006

In Tech News

Well...Macbook is still on order....

But I tried out VirtuaDesktop...piece of crap.....confusing as hell, and very non-user friendly.

Working with WindowsBlinds, a skinning program to change just the appearance (no shell) of Windows, so can't wait to be able to test that out.

Mailed iTunes about the questionable quality of the Unwritten video, and they actually refunded my credit card and apologized...sweet.....

ok..that's all for is v. busy and exhausting..and most of the times fun

Sunday, June 04, 2006

More Shells

Sincerely Considering

On my new PC safety kick....I'm kicking IE out ofthe picture, and replacing the shell of Windows. See, how it goes is this: windows needs a "shell" to run inside of, and to run programs and find files and such. Have corresponded with my looking into it.

If I actually want to do it, you'll hear more later

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Basically, here's what I'm asking windows to do for me:

Run offline games
Run Psexe (for Tokimemo2)
Run FCEU (for NES games...until I reburn imbNES)
Run Neverwinter online
Run Ragnarok online
Run miniaim (a minimalist AIM client that has no adware or a good hot dog)

So activity is minimal.  Here's what I'm planning to do about it.

Disable Internet Explorer
Get Firefox
Turn on like 9 software firewalls
see what ports I need to open for what software
and um...have fun...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Ram and Reviews

A nicely-priced Ram site for macbooks...yummm....maybe will upgrade to 2 gig in the spring....

A nice review of the "DarthBook"...might have to call it that....

^ This is about "Comic Life", a new OS-included program on Macs...turn your life into a comic book! Expect great things from me and my iSight *heeeeeeeeeeeee*

^ If only kevo had a mac...then we could do chess online...but kate, darling..I RE-CHALLENGE YOU TO CHECKERS, BIATCH!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Final Fantasy III Update

Haven't touched any FF on the ps2, so my fix has been entirely from my NES emulator runing on my USB stick at the office, with FFIII, and an enlish patch.  I really like the game, and I think I'm getting the hang of it.  I love how I can walk around as my black mage...that's just loads of fun, and the graphics are actually surprisingly impressive.  A good game that I will have to put away for a while until I can run FCEU on my my save state is in FCEU have to wait for Windows from IT in september......well.....either way...I have plenty FF stuff to keep me busy.  

Macbook Update

Ordered my macbook yesterday, and the DVI-TV adapter.  Here are the specs on the comp:

2.0 ghz Intel Core Duo processor
1 gig ram (upgradeaple to 2g)
80 gig harddrive
Hot display screen

More later on conversion advice from the onlines...