Monday, August 21, 2006

Print Selection 1.0 OSX, Apple took out a "Print Selection" option...install this plugin, and then its in the services you're ready to go! Great tool..I am a happy user!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Re: New IRC Client

Conversation was a piece of crap. I was gorgeous and fun, but it was PowerPC and thus was a ram-sucking ghost hustler. Piece of shit..*grumble*

Back to very nice...and I couldn't remember why I had the nerve to switch in the first place.

Friday, August 04, 2006

New IRC Client and gaming news

Well.....Colloquy sucked. So I got a new one:

Conversation. It runs JUST like like....realy smooth. Highly recommended. Also, the preferences pane is a lot that means I might get sarah to run IRC soon so she can get PGSM........

My great Gameboy Advance emulator dun't work so well on the I'm gonna have to wait for windows. Shame. But I bought Zelda DX for the gameboy..and its a lot of fun. I might buy Mario DX, too...b/c I loved played it when I first downloaded it ages ago. It has lots of collection sidequests....a great concept.